All works shown are the property of Sandra Campbell unless otherwise
noted. The materials found at this site have been provided to
showcase them. Copyright and all rights therein are maintained by the
artist, notwithstanding that I have offered my works here electronically.
It is understood that persons copying this information will adhere to
the terms and constraints invoked by my copyright. These works may not
be reposted without my explicit permission.
The fact that something has been published on the Internet is in itself
a clear message that the artist/writer wants it to be seen, and that he
or she is not interested in collecting a toll each time someone takes a
look at/reads it. However, this does not mean that ordinary copyright
concepts have ceased to apply - there is still someone who has the
copyright to the work. Please respect my rights, and abide by the
following natural rules. No rights or permissions are granted for
display of these works on other web sites, webchats or in other forms.
Please contact Sandra Campbell for details
on using her works. Mystikaal is not a Clipart area!
Please respect
their rights, and abide by the following natural rules.
The following is always permitted:
- To view the Mystikaal pictures on-line, without restrictions.
- To make single printouts, or save pictures to a local harddisc
for your own personal use. You may of course not sell
or redistribute these pictures in any way.
The current copyright holder is indicated just below every
displayed picture, and the email address is found on the personal
site for each artist.
The following you can of course never do, unless you get permission:
- To sell copies of the pictures (that is, to hand it over against
- To include or use the pictures on any webpage, guestbook, chatroom
or in a book or journal that is to be printed.
- To post or distribute a modified version of the pictures.
- To use whole or parts of the pictures, in any way,
with or without your own modifications, while pretending
that it is your own or someone else's
To use the pictures in any other way, a written agreement from the
artist is needed. (often, this consent isn't too hard to obtain
if you just try.)
To obtain such permission, please apply to
the copyright holder as defined in the previous section.
The preceeding was paraphrased from the copyright information
found at Elfwood.
Use the menu bar on the left to navigate your way through my site.
If you would like to use any of my pieces or commission
your own art work, please email me.